viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

The Brain !

Last week we had a very important talk with Dr. Pedro Maldonado. ICBM's teacher, which our Physiotherapists already knew. He spoke about the myths and truths about the brain there. There were many interesting things, from which extracting ransom some excerpts from his book.
"There is no time to lose as everything important about the brain is decided
by the age of three”
“There are critical periods when certain matters must be taught and learnt”
“But I read somewhere that we only use 10% of our brain anyway”
“I’m a ‘left-brain’, she’s a ‘right-brain’ person”
“Let’s face it – men and boys just have different brains from women and girls”
“A young child’s brain can only manage to learn one language at a time”
“Improve your memory!”
“Learn while you sleep!”

Each point was treated by Dr, explaining whether it was a myth or a reality. After that we had the opportunity to ask questions related to our race and the issue he was trying.

These talks are very important professionals in our career and that enlarge our knowledge and we learn about other issues in our profession is not widely spoken.

An extract from the conclusion of his book points out the importance between education and health professionals, marking the importance of learning different topics to educate the people. Reads:

"The bridges between neuroscience and education are still too few. This analysis of
myths about the workings of the brain clearly shows that greater co-operation between the two domains is needed. Any educational reform which is truly meant to be in the service of students should take into account neuroscientific studies and research, while maintaining a healthy objectivity. Similarly, brain researchers should not exclude themselves from the world of education and the broader implications of their work. They need to be ready to explain it as understandably and accessibly as possible. It will be through the exchange between the different disciplines and players (researchers, teachers, political leaders), that it will be possible to harness the burgeoning knowledge on learning to create an educational system that is both personalised to the individual and universally relevant to all".

I hope you continue making us talk like this, so we have improved both our language and our knowledge :)

See you :*

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Abortion, right or wrong?

Hi classmates! Well, today I talk about the my personal opinion about the contraceptive system in Chile, and the abortion.
I didn’t come the day of the talk of Doctora Lorena Binfa. She is one of our teachers, and really I admire her because she is very intelligent. According to studies and releases the Obstetrics School, there is government politics that aims to regulate the fertility of the country. The objectives include:
a) Reduce maternal mortality rate, related in a major way with induced abortion illegal.
b) Reduce infant mortality rate, related to the deterioration of living standards in areas of high fertility population.
c) Promote the welfare of the family, promoting responsible parenthood, which allows, through appropriate information, exercise and the right to a paternity conscious.
The National Health System of Chile adopted a rule which allows the professional midwives to prescribe contraceptives.

Though the contraception is controlled in our country, there exists a topic that many discussions generate nowadays, I refer to the abortion.
In our country, the abortion is illegal; no professional of the health is authorized to realize it. It is for this that has tried to finish with the not wished pregnancies, using good contraceptive methods.
There exist both the spontaneous abortions and the induced ones. The first ones only can prevent with a good diagnosis and opportune treatment of associate pathologies. The second can be clinical or provoked only for being an unwanted gestation.
Personally I don’t agree to realize abortions if the fetus is in good conditions and his mother also.
In case they exist pathologies that put in risk the life of both should to him realize all the clinical procedures in order to improve the situation. If the prognosis of life of sick baby is negative, and we know that die after birth the decision will be left to the family, they will choose between ending the life before birth, or let nature take its path. Personally I would allow the fetus was born, and that is their right.
Of this form, I don’t agree with abortion in those not planned or not wished pregnancies, so as already I said it, the baby un development has the right to be born.
We all agree that it is a complicated topic, of which it is possible to converse for a long time; nevertheless each one must form his own opinion about this.
See you! :*

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Dealing whit stress !

Stress is defined as "Internal experience that creates an imbalance the individual psychological and results internal environmental factors, organization where you work or the people around you ".
In our daily life we are exposed to many situations that can cause stress, This can cause symptoms such as anxiety, depression, aggression, sleep disturbances,diseases directly related to body system), regardless of its form of presentation, we will say that stress is bad widespread is more evident in people with intense lifestyle and that in most cases are not aware of the problem.
According to a research:
Stress management is the ability to maintain control when situations, people and events make excessive demands. What can you do to manage your stress? What are some strategies available to them? some tips for this can be:

Look around: See if there is anything I can do to change their situation.

Learn to relax better: Meditation and breathing exercises have proved very effective in controlling stress. Practice clearing your mind of disturbing thoughts.

No work overload: Concerned about all the work that is pending. Handle each task as it comes, or selectively according to priorities.
Avoid extreme reactions: Why hate when you might get away with a small rebuke? Why fret when you're nervous?

Get enough sleep: Lack of rest just aggravates stress.

Avoid self-medication or escape: Alcohol and drugs can mask stress. Not help to address the problems.

These tips and others help people manage stress. We as students, we have a very heavy schedule, we must follow these steps in order to stay relaxed and be able to comply with the requirements of the university. This is why we are taught many workshops on stress management, where they teach repirar to exercise, among many other things.
See you classmates, kisses !