jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

English, a very useful tool :)

Although language is characteristic of northern countries, in our culture is becoming increasingly important to learn this language to enter the workforce. Especially in careers related to the area of health is fundamental knowledge of the second language, since in more than one occasion we will be faced with a patient who has no knowledge of our language and we who have to adapt to them to provide optimal care.
As midwives we may be faced with having to leave our country to increase our knowledge and improve our learning, moreover, by any circumstance of life we may touch a woman care for English speaking and is about to have her baby.

Learning another language in our country wakes up very little interest. Some years ago it was thought that teaching English to children was a useless charge. Today this idea has changed. Therefore we must start by a positive assessment of learning a new language as the future of people passing through the living and the need to master other languages to improve opportunities and quality of life and to ensure coexistence and exchange cultural since the short time increasing their knowledge about other cultures.

On the other hand, that learning another language is produced is necessary to involve the family, since seeing the spot from a social, cultural and family can be a motivator of this learning. Eventually the students who learn a second language are benefited because it helps them better understand their first language, increase their vocabulary and therefore perform better in her school, university and work.

According to some specialists in foreign language teaching suggests that teaching a second language can be started at 6 years old in which the child already knows the language and receives a stronger link between the word, the meaning and significance . On the other hand, suggests that it is before 6 years: they have to assimilate information more easily and as the years pass is more difficult because they are accustomed to their mother tongue.

Learning a second language in childhood, has neurological benefits, as there is a plasticity and flexibility in the brain to the first 8 or 9 years, which facilitate the child's assimilation of new codes. There are also advantages of phonological type can listen to and produce all the sounds perfectly, a quality that is beginning to lose after 11 or 12 years. This would explain why people who begin studying foreign languages when adults find it more difficult to speak fluently that children who commit them. As noted by scientists, the nerve structure of the related party to language learning seems to develop more in those who study a second language at an early age and the part that holds this place is in the left hemisphere temporal lobe, responsible for hearing, speech and diction.

From the sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, early learning is the most suitable for the plasticity phonetic - articulatory or at 3 years of age, high power capacity a good imitation learning the sounds of a language and good memory can easily assimilate different oral language structures. Early learning allows more mature language skills. Given all this we see how cognitive and psycholinguistic processes involved in learning.

Biologically the sake of learning English is very beneficial, however, which stresses is largely social, as with learning the language opens many doors in other countries. We will have more job opportunities, we can enrich our knowledge, work in our country in response to those foreigners who feel intimidated by not knowing our language, in short, much more. That is why all colleges should offer courses in English for their students and schools should increase the hours devoted to this.
I hope that this course remains the same pair wings future generations
Good Bye !

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Ideas for a better Faculty =)

If you told me what I think It could be improve here, in the Faculty, I could say that, in general is good, that we have a lot of thing or kind of privileges that other faculties don't have like the fact of have "taca-taca" and "ping-pong" tables, or have video games and stuff like that.
However there a few things that could be improve, for example we have a gym but It's falling to pieces, and a lot of students don't even know where it is. Maybe could be more publicity to the gym and students cuold pay just a little money, and this money it'll be usefull to improve the equipment in the gym.
Other important thing that could be improve is the library. Yes is beautifull and big, but I think the toilet is too far of it. At the same time, if we look the computers in the library, we could see that are too old and slow, and despite the we've done some petitions to rechange it, there's no result :/.
Other important point is that, paradoxically, we does not have a nursing, and in case od a headache or something like that... where we can go? to the hospital?. I think that is a really important aspect to improve because, all the time we are "exposed" to different things, for example, one of the first Anatomy practics I felt really bad, I were with dizziness and after that we had other important lecture, so I couldn't go to my house and I must wait to feel better by my self.
That is my experience, so maybe It coul be more things to improve, but I think this are the most important.