miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

English’s Blog!

Well, dear classmates, today I’m going to talk about my experience, opinion and suggestions for improve this method of learning.
The last year some classmates who had English of pre intermediate level told me about that. I was very scared, I couldn’t imagine writing a lot in English. I hadn’t experience in something, only read thing in this language when I was in high school, where English was really poor.
At first I had a hard time doing, but with the passage of days and the practice this is much easier to me. I think that really is a very good method of learning to improve our writing and acquire more vocabulary. To write about topics of our interest is very exciting, because we can express different opinions and know what you think of that.
The only bad thing is that we fail to finish our post in the class, and we have to take extra time to do, because in class we do other things at first, which take our time to write, but we are used to recognize mistakes and learn from them. Maybe we could have more time to write, or have more time to complete.
I know that my classmates consider is bad that we have English in Occident Faculty, because they have to eat in North Medicine Faculty and then travel to Occident Faculty, and this travel is very long and tedious. But for me this is very good because I live very close, at only 5 minutes. Hopefully all classes were here, would be wonderful !.
What I liked was to write about my career because I was projected at future and I was imagined what will be my working life, working on what I really love.
I know that we all consider the English’ blog a good method of learning and working consciously to improve our writing every day.

Awaiting for your comments !
Kisses : *

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My favourite player (:

Well, to continue with topic of the last week I'm going to talk about the best player of our Chilean football team. I refer to Jorge Valdivia, more know as “Mago Valdivia”.

In this occasion I will make a small biography about this player.

His name is Jorge Valdivia Toro, he born the 19 of October in 1983 in Maracay, Vanezuela. He plays as midfielder and his actual team is the “Al-Ain” of the Arab Emirates. He began in the “Universidad de Concepción” and is considered as one of the best player of Chile in the last time.

Actually he began in the minor divisions of “Colo-Colo”, but for his bad conduct in playing he was taken as loan by the “Universidad de Concepción”, where he played his first championship in the first Chilean division in the 2003.

In the “Universidad de Concepción”, he became a major figure of Chilean championship and for his great skill and talent was nicknamed as “El Mago”.
Achieved a great performance in his first season of the First Division, achieving one space at “Copa Libertadores de América” in 2004, and pass at “Copa Sudamericana” in the same year.

After to play in the “Universidad de Concepción”, in the 2004, Jorge was send at Europe, where he played by “Rayo Vallecano” of Spain. In that year played the “Sudamericano Sub-23” with the chilean football team, which was in charge of Juvenal Olmos, where Chile was about to pass to the Olympics Plays.

In the 2005, Jorge returned at Chile, and began play by Colo Colo. But he said that in this team don’t treated well, and for that reason he left of here.

In the 2006 he traveled to Brazil, and began play in the Palmeiras. Finally in the 2008 was transferred at the Arab Emirates, where he plays by “Al-Ain”. In this team, “El Mago” is the captain.

On Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Valdivia is again called by Marcelo Bielsa to face South Africa, entering the holder and playing a very good first half, scoring the first goal for Chile. In this moment this championship is being played. And Friday is the turn of Chile with Spain, and obviously we will won !

Awaiting for your comments !
Kisses : *

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Chile to the worldcup FIFA 2010 !

Hi classmates ! Today is a very especial day, our country played his first game against Honduras and WE WON !. This is a great reason to celebrate, because Chile had not won in a worldcup since 1962, namely, 48 years ago :O. The entire country was pendent of this football game, in fact, on the streets had not cars, and all people was wearing the colors of our national flag, encouraging our team in every corner of the country.

Today, we all get up really early to watch this important game in a giant screen, that the CES put to the all university. We were so much nervous y we enjoy every single minute, encouraging with screams and songs to our football selection. Many students stay the night in this place, waiting for this glorious moment. The happiness was huge when our national selected, Jean Beusejour made the first goal, opening the count in the thirty four minute of the first time. The ambient in the CES was wonderful: all engaged and handy for the same cause ♥.

The night before, I had a great idea, I wanted to support my country in some way, so, I started to paint my nails of red, white and blue, trying in each one with a different desing, and, after a long time, I drew a beautiful flag. I just paint one of my nails and I chose clothes in the same colors. When I arrived to the university, my classmates wanted to make in their nails a flag, just like me, and doing this, I passed the all evening. Was a great idea ! :D

Well, I know we are all excited by this success, and I know that we will continue to support our players!

Successful peers!

See you : *

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Education and Prevention in Health*

Hi classmates :) Today we write about prevention and education in health, always related with our profession.
We all know that our profession is closely related with the education and prevention, because. We are in charge of advise and inform at the community, especially at women, during all her life.
The prevention is very important because here we teach about many topics. Prevention measures are very useful, because this way, can be avoided many health problems.

This is achieved by applying various measures that can be at different levels: individual, familiar and in the community.

First, individually, we can promote preventive measures, such as encourage the frequent use of condom in during sex. This can be done to educate women during their visits to the midwife, and at the same time, with men when they accompanying her. Also, the education can be about personal care, to avoid health problems.

In the familiar level: our profession can interfere here through home visits, which are not very common. Also we can cite the family group to the Health Center. Both serve to educate the family group, about various topics, as interpersonal relationships, which improve the convivence and can avoid many psychological and physical problems.

Finally, in the community, we can implement school visits, talks in these places and in the offices, for example, and make health educative programs to implement in different groups, that previously identified, according to their characteristics and needs. All these things also serve to educate about health topics and prevent disease, as in previous levels.

Our profession is closely related to the education of society. We are responsible for resolving the concerns of our patients, and making education we must prevent these risk behaviors to avoid contracting diseases, especially in pregnant women.

In midwifery, we can make talks, workshops and several activities for women throughout their lives, where they can teach about birth control, STD, non-communicable chronic diseases, among others.

All this to improve the quality of life of people in the country.

See you : *

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

Gender and Health !

Hi ! :D

Today just a few men study obstetrics, because society associates the concept of midwife whit a occupation of women.

Of 10 men that enter at first year, only 3 will graduate approximately. Some of the guys that study this career, are disturbed for many people, because Obstetrics is related to privacy of women, but those who really like this profession, managed to finish the career.

In other professions the gender difference is not noticeable, and sometimes exist more men than women. It is clear that be a midwife (man) does not adversely affect the health of women or the newborns, since both genders have the same knowledge biological, and social psychological to attend a woman.

As personal experience I heard from many women that prefer to be supervised for men, because they find them softer and more delicate, because they say that women are grosser.

This marked difference between men and women studying obstetrics, is also seen in other countries, since it is closely related to the prevailing maleness in different societies, and then criticize the man for wanting to perform jobs related to women, because work as midwifes is developed by women throughout the history of humanity.

In order to reduce these gender differences, the same midwives should encourage more men to love this profession and let them know that within the community they have more acceptance from women.

I hope that over the years, this difference will decreases, since both sexes are equally qualified to work in good shape in the area of health, helping people.

Go ahead peers!

Bye :)