jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Emergency Contraception Pill.

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the Emergency Contraception Pill (the levonorgestrel).
The debate about levonorgostrel is because some say this pill is contraceptive, and other says that is abortive. In fact, this is a mechanism through multiple actions that attempt to prevent fertilization of an egg (contraceptive action) and failing it, and conceived a new human being, prevent implantation or nesting in the uterus (an abortifacient action). If the contraceptive action fails or if the mechanism is applied after fertilization, it manifests a powerful abortifacient mechanism that prevents implantation of fertilized egg. For me this method is an abortifacient, for the reasons mentioned. This pill prevents the formation of a new life, either to prevent conception or implantation.
This topic is very complex, because exist a big debate about that. As future midwifery, I must know the characteristics, effects and complications of this pill. And for this, we must read a lot of documents and papers about this topic. In this time, I’m referring to paper of Doctor Valenzuela. He said that the levonorgestrel have a postovulatory action, but the Doctor Croxato said that levonorgostrel haven’t a postovulatory action, because that has no built-in mechanism of action studies. The first of them say textually: “If LNG EC is used 0 to 24 h after the intercourse (12 h average), it shall not have any effect at the day of ovulation or after, so, in this condition, its maximal effectiveness should be 56.1%. The maximal effectiveness of LNG EC used 25-48 h after coitus should be 38.2.%, and so on shows the maximal expected effectiveness of LNG EC, as an exclusive anovulatory drug, used from 1 to 5 days postcoitus and the observed effectiveness found in the three studies…”
In our government the contraception not sanctioned, but abortion is recognized as a crime by the statute, and life is a law supported by it.
Well, this topic given for a long conversation and each person has his own opinion.

See you! :*

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