jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

English, a very useful tool :)

Although language is characteristic of northern countries, in our culture is becoming increasingly important to learn this language to enter the workforce. Especially in careers related to the area of health is fundamental knowledge of the second language, since in more than one occasion we will be faced with a patient who has no knowledge of our language and we who have to adapt to them to provide optimal care.
As midwives we may be faced with having to leave our country to increase our knowledge and improve our learning, moreover, by any circumstance of life we may touch a woman care for English speaking and is about to have her baby.

Learning another language in our country wakes up very little interest. Some years ago it was thought that teaching English to children was a useless charge. Today this idea has changed. Therefore we must start by a positive assessment of learning a new language as the future of people passing through the living and the need to master other languages to improve opportunities and quality of life and to ensure coexistence and exchange cultural since the short time increasing their knowledge about other cultures.

On the other hand, that learning another language is produced is necessary to involve the family, since seeing the spot from a social, cultural and family can be a motivator of this learning. Eventually the students who learn a second language are benefited because it helps them better understand their first language, increase their vocabulary and therefore perform better in her school, university and work.

According to some specialists in foreign language teaching suggests that teaching a second language can be started at 6 years old in which the child already knows the language and receives a stronger link between the word, the meaning and significance . On the other hand, suggests that it is before 6 years: they have to assimilate information more easily and as the years pass is more difficult because they are accustomed to their mother tongue.

Learning a second language in childhood, has neurological benefits, as there is a plasticity and flexibility in the brain to the first 8 or 9 years, which facilitate the child's assimilation of new codes. There are also advantages of phonological type can listen to and produce all the sounds perfectly, a quality that is beginning to lose after 11 or 12 years. This would explain why people who begin studying foreign languages when adults find it more difficult to speak fluently that children who commit them. As noted by scientists, the nerve structure of the related party to language learning seems to develop more in those who study a second language at an early age and the part that holds this place is in the left hemisphere temporal lobe, responsible for hearing, speech and diction.

From the sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, early learning is the most suitable for the plasticity phonetic - articulatory or at 3 years of age, high power capacity a good imitation learning the sounds of a language and good memory can easily assimilate different oral language structures. Early learning allows more mature language skills. Given all this we see how cognitive and psycholinguistic processes involved in learning.

Biologically the sake of learning English is very beneficial, however, which stresses is largely social, as with learning the language opens many doors in other countries. We will have more job opportunities, we can enrich our knowledge, work in our country in response to those foreigners who feel intimidated by not knowing our language, in short, much more. That is why all colleges should offer courses in English for their students and schools should increase the hours devoted to this.
I hope that this course remains the same pair wings future generations
Good Bye !

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Ideas for a better Faculty =)

If you told me what I think It could be improve here, in the Faculty, I could say that, in general is good, that we have a lot of thing or kind of privileges that other faculties don't have like the fact of have "taca-taca" and "ping-pong" tables, or have video games and stuff like that.
However there a few things that could be improve, for example we have a gym but It's falling to pieces, and a lot of students don't even know where it is. Maybe could be more publicity to the gym and students cuold pay just a little money, and this money it'll be usefull to improve the equipment in the gym.
Other important thing that could be improve is the library. Yes is beautifull and big, but I think the toilet is too far of it. At the same time, if we look the computers in the library, we could see that are too old and slow, and despite the we've done some petitions to rechange it, there's no result :/.
Other important point is that, paradoxically, we does not have a nursing, and in case od a headache or something like that... where we can go? to the hospital?. I think that is a really important aspect to improve because, all the time we are "exposed" to different things, for example, one of the first Anatomy practics I felt really bad, I were with dizziness and after that we had other important lecture, so I couldn't go to my house and I must wait to feel better by my self.
That is my experience, so maybe It coul be more things to improve, but I think this are the most important.

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

The Brain !

Last week we had a very important talk with Dr. Pedro Maldonado. ICBM's teacher, which our Physiotherapists already knew. He spoke about the myths and truths about the brain there. There were many interesting things, from which extracting ransom some excerpts from his book.
"There is no time to lose as everything important about the brain is decided
by the age of three”
“There are critical periods when certain matters must be taught and learnt”
“But I read somewhere that we only use 10% of our brain anyway”
“I’m a ‘left-brain’, she’s a ‘right-brain’ person”
“Let’s face it – men and boys just have different brains from women and girls”
“A young child’s brain can only manage to learn one language at a time”
“Improve your memory!”
“Learn while you sleep!”

Each point was treated by Dr, explaining whether it was a myth or a reality. After that we had the opportunity to ask questions related to our race and the issue he was trying.

These talks are very important professionals in our career and that enlarge our knowledge and we learn about other issues in our profession is not widely spoken.

An extract from the conclusion of his book points out the importance between education and health professionals, marking the importance of learning different topics to educate the people. Reads:

"The bridges between neuroscience and education are still too few. This analysis of
myths about the workings of the brain clearly shows that greater co-operation between the two domains is needed. Any educational reform which is truly meant to be in the service of students should take into account neuroscientific studies and research, while maintaining a healthy objectivity. Similarly, brain researchers should not exclude themselves from the world of education and the broader implications of their work. They need to be ready to explain it as understandably and accessibly as possible. It will be through the exchange between the different disciplines and players (researchers, teachers, political leaders), that it will be possible to harness the burgeoning knowledge on learning to create an educational system that is both personalised to the individual and universally relevant to all".

I hope you continue making us talk like this, so we have improved both our language and our knowledge :)

See you :*

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Abortion, right or wrong?

Hi classmates! Well, today I talk about the my personal opinion about the contraceptive system in Chile, and the abortion.
I didn’t come the day of the talk of Doctora Lorena Binfa. She is one of our teachers, and really I admire her because she is very intelligent. According to studies and releases the Obstetrics School, there is government politics that aims to regulate the fertility of the country. The objectives include:
a) Reduce maternal mortality rate, related in a major way with induced abortion illegal.
b) Reduce infant mortality rate, related to the deterioration of living standards in areas of high fertility population.
c) Promote the welfare of the family, promoting responsible parenthood, which allows, through appropriate information, exercise and the right to a paternity conscious.
The National Health System of Chile adopted a rule which allows the professional midwives to prescribe contraceptives.

Though the contraception is controlled in our country, there exists a topic that many discussions generate nowadays, I refer to the abortion.
In our country, the abortion is illegal; no professional of the health is authorized to realize it. It is for this that has tried to finish with the not wished pregnancies, using good contraceptive methods.
There exist both the spontaneous abortions and the induced ones. The first ones only can prevent with a good diagnosis and opportune treatment of associate pathologies. The second can be clinical or provoked only for being an unwanted gestation.
Personally I don’t agree to realize abortions if the fetus is in good conditions and his mother also.
In case they exist pathologies that put in risk the life of both should to him realize all the clinical procedures in order to improve the situation. If the prognosis of life of sick baby is negative, and we know that die after birth the decision will be left to the family, they will choose between ending the life before birth, or let nature take its path. Personally I would allow the fetus was born, and that is their right.
Of this form, I don’t agree with abortion in those not planned or not wished pregnancies, so as already I said it, the baby un development has the right to be born.
We all agree that it is a complicated topic, of which it is possible to converse for a long time; nevertheless each one must form his own opinion about this.
See you! :*

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Dealing whit stress !

Stress is defined as "Internal experience that creates an imbalance the individual psychological and results internal environmental factors, organization where you work or the people around you ".
In our daily life we are exposed to many situations that can cause stress, This can cause symptoms such as anxiety, depression, aggression, sleep disturbances,diseases directly related to body system), regardless of its form of presentation, we will say that stress is bad widespread is more evident in people with intense lifestyle and that in most cases are not aware of the problem.
According to a research:
Stress management is the ability to maintain control when situations, people and events make excessive demands. What can you do to manage your stress? What are some strategies available to them? some tips for this can be:

Look around: See if there is anything I can do to change their situation.

Learn to relax better: Meditation and breathing exercises have proved very effective in controlling stress. Practice clearing your mind of disturbing thoughts.

No work overload: Concerned about all the work that is pending. Handle each task as it comes, or selectively according to priorities.
Avoid extreme reactions: Why hate when you might get away with a small rebuke? Why fret when you're nervous?

Get enough sleep: Lack of rest just aggravates stress.

Avoid self-medication or escape: Alcohol and drugs can mask stress. Not help to address the problems.

These tips and others help people manage stress. We as students, we have a very heavy schedule, we must follow these steps in order to stay relaxed and be able to comply with the requirements of the university. This is why we are taught many workshops on stress management, where they teach repirar to exercise, among many other things.
See you classmates, kisses !

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

My dear Santiago :)

Well in this blog, the topic is free, and I’m going to talk about my city, because this year is the bicentenary of Chile!
Santiago is a big city but not that much as other cities around the world, but, anyway, It's full of nice places to go and a lot of things to do. One of my favourite place to go is the oriental garden in the San Cristobal Hill, this place is so beautifull, plenty of flowers and green, it's ideal to take a little breake and just relax.
Other place that I love is the Forestal park and places near it, Lastarria Neighborhood.I think this is a really beautifull and nice neighborhood were it mix the nature with bohemian things, like literature and stuff. There is the Emporio La Rosa a kind of cafe where it sells ice cream of extranges or unusuall flavors like rose ice cream. A good idea is go to the Aviation Square in a summer nigth, there is a big fountain that turn on a lot of ligths and change colors in armony with the water, and be aeating a delicius ice cream of the Bravissimo gelatery that is like three blocks away.
Coming back with San Cristobal Hill, in this place we found a lot of different things to do like go to the swimming pool, go to the Zoo, go to the restaurant or just walk. You could go up in "funicular" or "teleferico" and enjoy of a great view of the hill.
Also, If you wanna go out at nigth o go to a party, you could visit streets like Suecia Avenue or Republica maybe. I hope you enjoy Santiago! :)

Emergency Contraception Pill.

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the Emergency Contraception Pill (the levonorgestrel).
The debate about levonorgostrel is because some say this pill is contraceptive, and other says that is abortive. In fact, this is a mechanism through multiple actions that attempt to prevent fertilization of an egg (contraceptive action) and failing it, and conceived a new human being, prevent implantation or nesting in the uterus (an abortifacient action). If the contraceptive action fails or if the mechanism is applied after fertilization, it manifests a powerful abortifacient mechanism that prevents implantation of fertilized egg. For me this method is an abortifacient, for the reasons mentioned. This pill prevents the formation of a new life, either to prevent conception or implantation.
This topic is very complex, because exist a big debate about that. As future midwifery, I must know the characteristics, effects and complications of this pill. And for this, we must read a lot of documents and papers about this topic. In this time, I’m referring to paper of Doctor Valenzuela. He said that the levonorgestrel have a postovulatory action, but the Doctor Croxato said that levonorgostrel haven’t a postovulatory action, because that has no built-in mechanism of action studies. The first of them say textually: “If LNG EC is used 0 to 24 h after the intercourse (12 h average), it shall not have any effect at the day of ovulation or after, so, in this condition, its maximal effectiveness should be 56.1%. The maximal effectiveness of LNG EC used 25-48 h after coitus should be 38.2.%, and so on shows the maximal expected effectiveness of LNG EC, as an exclusive anovulatory drug, used from 1 to 5 days postcoitus and the observed effectiveness found in the three studies…”
In our government the contraception not sanctioned, but abortion is recognized as a crime by the statute, and life is a law supported by it.
Well, this topic given for a long conversation and each person has his own opinion.

See you! :*

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Sewell: Luces, Sombras y Abandono ♥

Hi new classmates! I’m a new in this group, and I’m very happy to be here.
In this occasion we have to talk about our favorite book. Well, I tell you that my favorite book is a novel and is called: “Sewell: Luces, sombras y abandono”, and and it’s author is María Eugenia Lorenzini. But I must confess that I don’t like to read.
When I was in high school, our teacher told us we'd have to read this book because we would test about that history. I was 16 years old, wasn’t long ago.
When I read this book I was amazed by the story really was very beautiful, exciting and real. It was one of the few books that I liked and I've read so fast.
I liked this story because I remembered all the things I told my grandmother, she lived in this town, Sewell.
The story is about a young couple who fight for love, and as in any romance novel, they go through many challenges and must overcome many obstacles. And also tells the story of the Mining Camp, Sewell. Describe since the beginning to the end, how they were created to why it was abandoned, it is really interesting.
When I finished reading it, my grandmother told me a story from when she was younger, and was very similar to that count in the book, I realized that all women live similar things. My grandmother wanted to read the book, and realized that history was the period in which she had lived in Sewell, and recognized many of the things that were counted there.
Years later, I read the book again, because I felt more excitement to know that my grandmother had lived in those years the same things.
Finally I read the book three times, and of course, my whole family was read this book.
I recommend “Sewell: Luces, sombras y abandono” to all people interested in this mining camp, and those who enjoy love stories.
See you classmates, kisses !

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

English’s Blog!

Well, dear classmates, today I’m going to talk about my experience, opinion and suggestions for improve this method of learning.
The last year some classmates who had English of pre intermediate level told me about that. I was very scared, I couldn’t imagine writing a lot in English. I hadn’t experience in something, only read thing in this language when I was in high school, where English was really poor.
At first I had a hard time doing, but with the passage of days and the practice this is much easier to me. I think that really is a very good method of learning to improve our writing and acquire more vocabulary. To write about topics of our interest is very exciting, because we can express different opinions and know what you think of that.
The only bad thing is that we fail to finish our post in the class, and we have to take extra time to do, because in class we do other things at first, which take our time to write, but we are used to recognize mistakes and learn from them. Maybe we could have more time to write, or have more time to complete.
I know that my classmates consider is bad that we have English in Occident Faculty, because they have to eat in North Medicine Faculty and then travel to Occident Faculty, and this travel is very long and tedious. But for me this is very good because I live very close, at only 5 minutes. Hopefully all classes were here, would be wonderful !.
What I liked was to write about my career because I was projected at future and I was imagined what will be my working life, working on what I really love.
I know that we all consider the English’ blog a good method of learning and working consciously to improve our writing every day.

Awaiting for your comments !
Kisses : *

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My favourite player (:

Well, to continue with topic of the last week I'm going to talk about the best player of our Chilean football team. I refer to Jorge Valdivia, more know as “Mago Valdivia”.

In this occasion I will make a small biography about this player.

His name is Jorge Valdivia Toro, he born the 19 of October in 1983 in Maracay, Vanezuela. He plays as midfielder and his actual team is the “Al-Ain” of the Arab Emirates. He began in the “Universidad de Concepción” and is considered as one of the best player of Chile in the last time.

Actually he began in the minor divisions of “Colo-Colo”, but for his bad conduct in playing he was taken as loan by the “Universidad de Concepción”, where he played his first championship in the first Chilean division in the 2003.

In the “Universidad de Concepción”, he became a major figure of Chilean championship and for his great skill and talent was nicknamed as “El Mago”.
Achieved a great performance in his first season of the First Division, achieving one space at “Copa Libertadores de América” in 2004, and pass at “Copa Sudamericana” in the same year.

After to play in the “Universidad de Concepción”, in the 2004, Jorge was send at Europe, where he played by “Rayo Vallecano” of Spain. In that year played the “Sudamericano Sub-23” with the chilean football team, which was in charge of Juvenal Olmos, where Chile was about to pass to the Olympics Plays.

In the 2005, Jorge returned at Chile, and began play by Colo Colo. But he said that in this team don’t treated well, and for that reason he left of here.

In the 2006 he traveled to Brazil, and began play in the Palmeiras. Finally in the 2008 was transferred at the Arab Emirates, where he plays by “Al-Ain”. In this team, “El Mago” is the captain.

On Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Valdivia is again called by Marcelo Bielsa to face South Africa, entering the holder and playing a very good first half, scoring the first goal for Chile. In this moment this championship is being played. And Friday is the turn of Chile with Spain, and obviously we will won !

Awaiting for your comments !
Kisses : *

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Chile to the worldcup FIFA 2010 !

Hi classmates ! Today is a very especial day, our country played his first game against Honduras and WE WON !. This is a great reason to celebrate, because Chile had not won in a worldcup since 1962, namely, 48 years ago :O. The entire country was pendent of this football game, in fact, on the streets had not cars, and all people was wearing the colors of our national flag, encouraging our team in every corner of the country.

Today, we all get up really early to watch this important game in a giant screen, that the CES put to the all university. We were so much nervous y we enjoy every single minute, encouraging with screams and songs to our football selection. Many students stay the night in this place, waiting for this glorious moment. The happiness was huge when our national selected, Jean Beusejour made the first goal, opening the count in the thirty four minute of the first time. The ambient in the CES was wonderful: all engaged and handy for the same cause ♥.

The night before, I had a great idea, I wanted to support my country in some way, so, I started to paint my nails of red, white and blue, trying in each one with a different desing, and, after a long time, I drew a beautiful flag. I just paint one of my nails and I chose clothes in the same colors. When I arrived to the university, my classmates wanted to make in their nails a flag, just like me, and doing this, I passed the all evening. Was a great idea ! :D

Well, I know we are all excited by this success, and I know that we will continue to support our players!

Successful peers!

See you : *

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Education and Prevention in Health*

Hi classmates :) Today we write about prevention and education in health, always related with our profession.
We all know that our profession is closely related with the education and prevention, because. We are in charge of advise and inform at the community, especially at women, during all her life.
The prevention is very important because here we teach about many topics. Prevention measures are very useful, because this way, can be avoided many health problems.

This is achieved by applying various measures that can be at different levels: individual, familiar and in the community.

First, individually, we can promote preventive measures, such as encourage the frequent use of condom in during sex. This can be done to educate women during their visits to the midwife, and at the same time, with men when they accompanying her. Also, the education can be about personal care, to avoid health problems.

In the familiar level: our profession can interfere here through home visits, which are not very common. Also we can cite the family group to the Health Center. Both serve to educate the family group, about various topics, as interpersonal relationships, which improve the convivence and can avoid many psychological and physical problems.

Finally, in the community, we can implement school visits, talks in these places and in the offices, for example, and make health educative programs to implement in different groups, that previously identified, according to their characteristics and needs. All these things also serve to educate about health topics and prevent disease, as in previous levels.

Our profession is closely related to the education of society. We are responsible for resolving the concerns of our patients, and making education we must prevent these risk behaviors to avoid contracting diseases, especially in pregnant women.

In midwifery, we can make talks, workshops and several activities for women throughout their lives, where they can teach about birth control, STD, non-communicable chronic diseases, among others.

All this to improve the quality of life of people in the country.

See you : *

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

Gender and Health !

Hi ! :D

Today just a few men study obstetrics, because society associates the concept of midwife whit a occupation of women.

Of 10 men that enter at first year, only 3 will graduate approximately. Some of the guys that study this career, are disturbed for many people, because Obstetrics is related to privacy of women, but those who really like this profession, managed to finish the career.

In other professions the gender difference is not noticeable, and sometimes exist more men than women. It is clear that be a midwife (man) does not adversely affect the health of women or the newborns, since both genders have the same knowledge biological, and social psychological to attend a woman.

As personal experience I heard from many women that prefer to be supervised for men, because they find them softer and more delicate, because they say that women are grosser.

This marked difference between men and women studying obstetrics, is also seen in other countries, since it is closely related to the prevailing maleness in different societies, and then criticize the man for wanting to perform jobs related to women, because work as midwifes is developed by women throughout the history of humanity.

In order to reduce these gender differences, the same midwives should encourage more men to love this profession and let them know that within the community they have more acceptance from women.

I hope that over the years, this difference will decreases, since both sexes are equally qualified to work in good shape in the area of health, helping people.

Go ahead peers!

Bye :)

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

My future as a midwife.

Hi everyone ! =)

I am in second year yet. In three years more, I will be a midwife. Then I hope to acquire capacities and values that will allow me to work in my country and to help my community. When I graduate I’ll work in Neonatology in “Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, known as: “José Joaquín Aguirre”. In this place I will take care of babies and mothers.

After some years working, I will travel to France, for a specialization and then, I will return to Chile to teach about take care of newborn child, all mothers and community, because is fundamental to maintain a good health of the mother and newborns. In my studies out of country, I will speak about Chilean reality, related to a very important subject in these days, and that never will stop being important, I refer to “The Bond”.

When I go back, I will make investigations about this subject, and others topics related to take care of baby.
Actually I’d like to work in the Universidad de Chile as a teacher, and make lessons of obstetrical fisiology or anatomy, and at the same time, keep working as midwife in some hospital of Santiago.
Well, this is my proyection of what I'd like to do when I finish my career.


miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Midwifery ♥

Hi !
During high school I was not sure what to study. I always knew that I had to study something related to health area and something where I could work to maintain the welfare of the people, to help, care and heal. That's why my first choice was medicine. Over the years, I realized that my love and closeness with the baby was growing. When I received my PSU score and had to decide what career to apply, Obstetrics was my first option, immediately discarding Medicine, and the rest of careers of medicine faculty.
I never had another career in my mind; I always wanted to study this one.
My love for babies, and my admiration for pregnant, strengthened my desire to enter here.
When I started my classes in University, gradually I was finding out all I could do as a midwife. This things became to motivations to study everyday to be a midwife with all the knowledge and capacities that can help women at all periods of her life, and this way, be able to decide every action for the benefit of unborn child.

In the second semester, in a course "Introduction to the Profession" We had some visits to clinical field where we could interact with mothers and newborns, we talked to them, I did some questions, examine, in general we had our little "first look" to our profession. In addition, we went to a infection hospital, the Lucio Cordova, where, in addition to be in contact with the patients we made the capture of vital signs, which I felt the importance and the joys of studying a career of health area.
Besides we had courses where we learned about the functioning of the human body: anatomy and physiology, which I really appreciated how fascinating it is and at the same time how complex it is.
For all these reasons I know the most beautiful race is obstetrics, as it relates to life, with the birth of a new being and comprehensive care for women.

See you !

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Obstetrics ♥

Hi everybody!
Today I will talk you about my favourite career related website, a midwives, the best profession in the world. This website is very important in my future because here the midwives publish all about the profession, several news of health and on our work.
The link of website is "http://www.colegiodematronasdechile.cl/".
In this site, the information is very clear and orderly, this available one for any person who is interested in the subject, because here you will find information of many subject about sexuality, public health and some advice of health in regions. Another important point is that this site is dedicated exclusively to the women, so that they learn to take care of themselves, and they know that they have health professionals that will be protecting them always.
The website was created by chilean midwives, for this reasons is very important for us like future professionals.
The website is recognizes by the government of Chile, which gives you even more value.
For these reasons this websites is my favourite, because is very complete and clear.
Finally I invite to visit this site, so that they learn more one the important thing of the profession.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

My experience with the earthquake :

Well, today i will write about my experience whit the earthquake. I was in Santiago, and I had returned from my vacations in Pelluhue, Cauquenes (a place in south of my country, that is near from the epicenter of the earthquake) just one week ago.
That nigth i was whit a friend in my house watching Ricardo Arjona, a singer of Guatemala, he had performed in the "Festival de la canción de Viña del Mar" and this festival had finished.
We remained awake because we were talking whit my mom about thing of life. Later she went to bed, and my friend and i keep talking and listening to music. In this moment the light turns off, and i say my friend "let go to turn on the light !" but she said me "oh Clau, i don't want to go!", and in this moment my mom starts to shout "it's a earthquake, it's a earthquake!" and i was scared, but my friend was so calm, and we lowered the stairs. Then we go out to the backyard and we waited until the earthquake finished. Later, my friend's uncle came to take her.
That night was eternal. Whit my family and neighbours passed the night out of the house, in the backyard, until the light returned. The next day I recived news from the rest of my friends and people that I love, that lives in Cauquenes.
This was my experience whit the earthquake.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

About me !

Hi !

My name is Claudia Yáñez, i'm 19 years old, I live in Chile, I study Obstetrics in Universidad de Chile and i'm in second year. This degree is beautiful, the best. In this blog i will write about my life, my experiences and obviously about my future profession . This tool is the best thing to share whit people like me... I hope you like it and, across this blog, we'll share our experiences.